Request for a Feature for showcasing SQL Projects
Marveen Renard Reyes
Hi Maven Team!
I would like to make a suggestion to our Portfolio
I am trying to showcase my SQL skills to potential employers
by uploading projects to my Maven Analytics Portfolio just like other projects like Power BI, Python, Excel
However, I am struggling with showcasing my SQL Projects because there is no dedicated instructions on how to specifically upload SQL projects
Could you please make this feature possible for everyone?
I think that uploading screenshots or photos of the queries is not sufficient.
I think it might be possible to showcase the queries and results by using jupyter notebook. But I just do not know the technicalities to do it.
Or if you have any other better ideas to easily showcase SQL projects then it would be nice.
SQL is the most demanded skill in the Data Field and i think that being able to showcase this skill in my Maven Analytics Portfolio will surely give me a boost in being more competitive as a job seeker.
Thank you!